Saturday, May 29, 2010

Slow Motion

As the snow melts and fades away, it takes with it the hecticness, stress, and endless work weeks that my job requires for the fall and winter months. It's these off-season months that let us relax a little bit, and give us the false confidence that makes us believe we can make it through another winter of madness. So time is left for simpler things:

Like games of Old Maid and Monopoly on the porch

Nights with friends

(Photo booth fail)

and visiting my next door neighbors, which happens to be a local chocolate shop with it's own reality tv series (The Little Chocolatiers)

It's this everyday life that I truly cherish and allows me to re-charge.

And no matter how often of an occurrence it is

A new watch is still a source of excitement.

With love

Sunday, May 23, 2010

New Roommate

This is Matt....

Courtney and I have grown quite fond of him; so I guess we'll keep him around :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Princess Prius

My work bought us this lil gem, brand new in July 2009, to whip around the country in...

After yesterday's 6 hour trek, she currently sits at 24,300 miles....and counting

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thank you, come again

Hello family,
As some of you may know, my 2 year anniversary of being back in America was May 8th, and what a roller coaster of 2 years it has been. Countless miles driven and flown, 2 major relocations in less than 4 months, innumerable amounts of tears and smiles, and some pretty amazing people met along the way. Today, I couldn't help but be blown away by how much you all mean to me, and how little we actually talk. When it is you who have laughed with me on the good days and kept me going on the bad. This is my attempt to keep you all in the know, strike up more conversations, and hopefully hear a little more about your lives. From my semi-new (but not really) home in SLC with love
