Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer Cruelty

I've managed to avoid spending any time in the actual city I live in for the entire month of June. But tomorrow is D-day

Time to face the hard realization that I actually do live in the desert. Damn

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

You know you're failing....

When you're my age and look like you could be Cher's older sister...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Love and Hate

You bitch

Hello Lover

Why did no one else love you but me??

Miss you

Saturday, June 12, 2010


It's what separates us from the animals.

(The first pic Transworld posted of Brighton for the 09-10 season)

The other night, I dreamed Utah was hit with an unseasonable cold front that puked feets of snow on Utah's only open mountain, Snowbird. Matt and I decided it was worth the $60 a day lift ticket (which we normally would NEVER do), and made the trek up. I was up to my knees in pow, surrounded by good friends, and endless tree runs of turns, drops, jumps, and rolls. But then, it was only a dream. It's amazing how a sport can become such a huge part of you.

I can't help but give extra special thanks to all of the supportive family that thought snowboarding was a "phase" but humored me any ways, and to the friends that spent hours in the car with me on our plethora road trips. This pic is for you

May many a more embaressing season pass photos darken me for years to come, because no matter what, the snow is always bright

I love you and let it snow


Kentucky Double Down

For all of you New Zealanders, the American KFC has released a sandwich that is made up of 2 fried chicken breasts, 2 slices of cheese, 2 slices of bacon, and a mystery mayonnaise sauce. The thing has gotten quite a lot of press and is surprisingly selling by the "bucket" load.

Matt and I are always looking for good bets on our weekly bowling matches to no avail. Until one day, I was sitting on my porch and had this beauty pop into my head! It just so happens that my roommate, who is from Kentucky, is moving to Seattle in just a few short weeks, and BOOM! The Kentucky Double Down was born.

On the same day as my return from California, 2 teams, 10 people, 3 games, and 5 sandwiches of heart stoping grease, came together to bid Lauren farwell from the great city of Salt Lake.

That "sandwich" gave me the worst hangover of any other substance in my life. Nothing but fruit and tears were eaten the next day.



Land of the Lost.....

I spent this week in various cities of California's southern coast. Two of the brands I work for, happened to be having meetings on the EXACT same days. So, it had me starting in the O.C. and ending in San Diego.

As you can tell, a lot of work got done.

I tried taking pictures of the amazing restaurants and hotels I stayed at, but the piercing eyes that judged me as a tourist stopped me cold in my tracks; so I stole them off of their websites. Some of my favorites:

The Starlight

A gorgeous bar/restaurant with mediocre food, but great drinks and atmosphere. HEY! You can't win 'em all. And with the lights dimmed, that chandelier really does look like a cluster of stars.

The SE Hotel

The Pool

The Lobby

Example of the rooms

This 5 star spot is amazing. From being located right in downtown San Diego, having beds that feel like you're sleeping on a cloud, to me scoring my own private room with a balcony this trip. Hey, if it's good enough for Lady GaGa, it's good enough for me! Only downfall - rainfall shower heads. YES, they do sound amazing in theory, but if you're a woman with almost 3 foot long Mexi hair..... the hour you spending twisting and contorting to clean yourself is miserable.

Randomly, on the way home, I had time to gamble in Vegas

I came up 25 cents! but got greedy and lost it all.

It's okay though, because back in SLC there was a 6 foot 5 piece of male perfection, a 7 pound poof ball, and a red velvet cupcake waiting for me....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

It's 5pm...

Do you know where your kids are??

Mom, one half of your kids is taking part in her Summerly Hibernation. Air conditioner blasting and fan a-spinning, to hide from the first 90degree F day here in SLC, that ruthless son of a bitch. It's going to be a long summmmeeerrr.

Gay for a Day..

And so the wonderful time of "Pride Day," in SLC, is upon us again. A day for my gay, bi-sexual, and transgendered family/friends to be loud and proud....As if we needed a day to celebrate all of you amazing people. Love you all.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Good and the Bad

My job, like all, has it's good and bad days.

The Good - Travels, adventures and good times.

The Bad....

When 100+ longboard completes show up to my office that need to be disassembled and re-gripped...... looks like I'll be getting my hands dirty.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lesson of the Day..

A Suburban cannot be jump started with a Prius

True story...

Weekend Warrior

In Salt Lake, when you feel like you need to "get away from it all," greener grass can always be found just 20 minutes away

The water was freezing and the sun wasn't shinning; so going swimming was not in the plans. However, never one to take "no" for answer, Courtney had her own agenda

Turns out, the lady can swim just fine.

Now back to the city for a warm bath and shower for the both of us.